Safety intermediate bracket

The flattened ones placed with glue must also be fixed mechanically to avoid the eventual detachment of tiles. Our staples are pieces of protection and security for tiles in flattened facades. The central safety ones support one tile up and one tile down; the final safety boot tiles are designed for a single tile. If the staple is visible, the maximum thickness of the tile can be 10mm or 16mm; if the tile is grooved its thickness can reach up to 20mm or 32mm.

Stainless steel AISI-304

  • Safety intermediate bracket 12mm (Maximum fixing thickness view 10mm hidden 20mm)
  • Safety intermediate bracket 18mm (Maximum fixing thickness view 16mm hidden 32 mm)

200 units / box

Every boxes contain: 200 block 5x25mm + 200 screw 3.5x40mm


Asunto: Safety intermediate bracket
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